Hello There – Welcome to Connections Place!

We hope you enjoy taking a tour of “Connections Place”. Our Clubhouse is a virtual one right now – but the goal is to make it a true Clubhouse International. We will join with the other 330 Clubhouses worldwide in changing the world of mental health.

We will be a community-based centre with a dignified, respectful space for the work units that will include a kitchen and seating area.

Being accredited is vital as this means all 36 international standards are being met. This means more people will get back to work, school or whatever their goal is. It means that emergency services and hospitalizations will be reduced.

The Standards articulate the core value system of the clubhouse community. These values are:

  • All people need to feel needed.
  • All people, despite mental illness, must have access to participate in every aspect of our society.
  • Clubhouse trusts in the potential of each and every member
  • Clubhouse gives the members the time they need for their own development and growth.

Connections Place will focus on a person’s strengths and abilities – not illness. We value:

  • Inclusion
  • Productivity
  • Equality
  • Acceptance

Adequately funded we will have reach-out that will cover:

  • Regular contact (email/phone/text) to members who are not attending
  • Ensure transportation
  • Home visits
  • Hospital visits (both medical and psychiatric)
  • Weekly visits to homeless shelters
  • Liaison with therapists, case managers, social security offices, psychiatrist and physicians

Clubhouse has been keeping track of outcomes and statistics since 1948 and it is proven that accredited Clubhouses can achieve some amazing results. Our mentor, Pathways Clubhouse has a Societal Return on Investment of $14. Saved for every $1 invested in the Clubhouse. This is our goal too – at Connections Place – with an accredited program.

There will be no time limits to membership. The goal will be to see our members get back into life and attend school or work. However, if you have a slip with your mental health or want some social connections you will always be welcome.

We are looking forward to building connections in the business community and creating transitional employment opportunities for our members. TE jobs are usually entry level and members are paid at least minimum wage. The benefits of transitional employment include:

  • The employer gets the guarantee that the work be done.
  • The clubhouse provides the training and the support of the members, which is beneficial to the employer.
  • The Clubhouse community supports the member in all stages of the process. Not only ‘official’ support (a staff member coaching), but also ‘unofficial’ support from other members and staff of the clubhouse. Support is provided as long as needed – not for a restricted period.
  • TE is a common interest in the clubhouse – which decreases the pressure on individuals.
  • Providing guaranteed absence coverage allows for ‘safe’ failure.
  • A member gets experience from normal work, belonging to the working community is the most important rehabilitative experience.
  • TE program makes the clubhouses’ work goal-oriented.
  • Resumes are no longer blank – but filled with current work experience.
  • Self esteem and confidence increases for members.

Please share this site with everyone you know who would like to see mental illness become mental wellness!

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Growing Connections Friendraising Gala