Cherry Lynn Brown — Board Member

With a degree in Sociology at York University, ON, Cherry Lynn has worked as a social worker, school teacher, school aide, and was an owner/operator of a small business. She’s been a member of the Unitarian-Universalist community her entire life. Cherry Lynn embraces Buddhist philosophy, the guidance of reason and the results of science, and believes firmly in the inherent worth and dignity of all persons and social justice for everyone.

She served as a member for 4.5 years on the Victoria Mental Health and Substance Use Advisory Committee, and the BCSS Victoria Board of Directors. She co-founded our society in March 2014, and has worked in this important grassroots advocacy initiative toward the establishment of a Clubhouse International in the GVA since that time.

Cherry Lynn looks forward to the day when the community at large opens their hearts with compassion and understanding, and then supports the need for this program to nurture people who are suffering from mental health problems of all types. Cherry Lynn looks after her 25-year-old son, who lives with her.

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